Edco Handwriting places great emphasis on pre-writing and writing readiness with lots of pattern work, tracing of the letters with a finger, tracing in the air, tracing on the child’s table and tracing in the book prior to writing the letter.
This programme builds fine motor skills by providing
- fun and engaging digitally-led warm ups
- practical activity suggestions, e.g. [get samples of exercises]
Sample will be included here
sample will be included here
- pre-writing pattern work in each book, including 10 pages of pattern work in Book A
- pre-writing pattern work in the practice copies
- digital pre-writing activities
- targeted pre-writing activities corresponding to each lower-case letter in Book A

Correct Handwriting Setup
Great emphasis is placed on the correct handwriting setup. Each book features a useful pull-out flap to prompt correct. [image above and info from inside flap]
- posture
pencil grip
page position
a video and song to demonstrate the correct handwriting setup - a video to specifically show how to form the correct pencil grip
It is advisable that Junior Infants would use Junior Grip Triangular pencils or Jumbo Triangular pencil [image]
It is advisable that Senior Infants would use Junior GripTriangular pencils [image]
Always ensure that there is a sharp point on the pencil!
- https://www.schoolbooks.ie/products/faber-castell-junior-grip-hb-pencil
- https://www.schoolbooks.ie/products/jumbo-triangular-hb-pencil-left-hand-3-pack?variant=32747479105607¤cy=EUR&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2018-11-05&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gclid=CjwKCAjwtdeFBhBAEiwAKOIy5167fYDtKvpf_-oEdBipEbeWDn5POgjOZ3XXIOrOCZnSABrDWhRKKRoCXIUQAvD_BwE
Letter Reversal Tips!
Some children tend to reverse letters when they first begin to write. The most common appears to be the b/d. Here are some useful tips to deal with this issue.
Sing the abc song.
What letter comes before d?
When writing letter d, always remember c before d
The other letter has to be b!
Display a large letter b and letter d (made from felt or sandpaper) on a prominent wall in the classroom.
Encourage a daily morning drill as the children enter the classroom.
As the child traces the letters he/she says the following, emphasis placed on the initial sound:
big bright b
dark dull d
Have a few trays of rice or salt available to the children. (Biscuit tin lids will do!)
The children take turns tracing b and d, saying the same rhyme as above.
Put both thumbs up and the rest of the fingers in a fist, knuckles touching. This creates a visual cue to help children remember b and d. (b before d in the alphabet)